Personalised Care For Every Resident

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all for care; every individual has unique needs as illnesses and health conditions present different symptoms and challenges. But, care goes beyond medical needs and includes personal preferences and life experiences. A care home care plan ensures your loved one receives the exact care and support they need in the way they want it.

At LuxuryCare, we are passionate about providing bespoke care for your loved one so that they can maintain their independence and live their best life.

See our care plans in action when you visit our homes. Book a viewing by calling us on 01202 037373 today.

Care for the Elderly

What Is A Care Home Care Plan?

A care plan is a document used in nursing and residential care homes that sets out the care your loved one requires.

Whether your loved one is receiving long-term residential care, nursing care, dementia care, palliative care or is simply with us for respite, they will have their own care plan.

Usually, these documents are created prior to your loved one arriving at our home and are adapted throughout their stay with us to ensure they reflect their ever-changing needs accurately.

Our care home care plans are digital and every staff member has access to each care plan. They are treated as the bible for care for each resident and are constantly referred to ensure continuity of care across our care staff.

Contact our team to discuss your loved one’s needs and how we would put them into a care plan. Call us on 01202 037373.

Why Are Care Plans Important?

We know that care that reflects your loved one’s preferences and personal needs are the ones that succeeds in encouraging them to thrive in our home. This is why we place such importance on involving you and your loved one in creating our bespoke care plans.

Care plans for those in any form of care home are a pivotal part of the care provided for a number of reasons.

Hand Heart

Personalised Care

They guarantee bespoke care, curated to your loved one’s specific needs at the level they require. .

Continuity of Care

Consistency and Continuity of Care

They set out the level of care and personal preferences so that each staff member can follow it and provide continuous care.

Safety and Risk Management

Safety and Risk Management

They proactively address safety concerns, such as potential falls, medication management and dietary restrictions, and put preventative measures in place to create a secure and supportive environment for residents.

Care Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation

They are regularly reviewed and track all care provided, meaning care staff can track the progression of diseases, review current care and amend the plan to reflect any changes.

Care Goals

Set Goals

They can be used to set goals and objectives which can be tracked to assess the effectiveness of care interventions over time.

Care Plan Involvement

Empowerment and Involvement

The development of these plans involves the resident and their families, empowering them to be part of the decision-making and have a say in their care so that they reflect the resident’s goals, preferences and needs while respecting their independence and dignity.

What Does A Care Home Care Plan Include?

Care plans take into account everything so that we can get a holistic view of your loved one and their needs.

Our care home care plans include:

  • Medical needs
  • Personal hygiene assistance
  • Mobility assistance
  • Food and nutrition needs – including dietary requirements and preferences
  • Care preferences – how do they like receiving the care?
  • Additional equipment that may be needed in rooms and our facilities
  • Likes and dislikes – hobbies, interests etc.
  • Life experiences
  • Life story
  • Family and friends
  • Current care situation

We are proud of the comprehensive care plans that we create. If you would like to discuss an element of a care plan with us in more detail, don’t hesitate to call our friendly team on 01202 037373.

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How Do We Create A Care Plan?

There are several stages to creating a care home care plan for your loved one.

Most of the work will be done before they arrive at our care home so that all our staff are up to scratch with your loved ones’ needs and can start providing our quality care as soon as they move in.

  1. We will conduct a pre-assessment which will include assessing your loved one’s medical and personal needs.
  2. Conversations with your loved one to understand their life story and experiences that have shaped them and will shape our care.
  3. Chats with you and other relatives, carers and friends to gauge current care levels and further explore experiences and their life.
  4. Consulting medical professionals to ensure we provide continuity of care and understand how illnesses and health conditions have progressed so far.
  5. Produce our care plan document and review it with you and your loved one.

Learn more about this process by visiting our care homes and speaking to our staff. Book your viewing by calling 01202 037373.

How Do Care Plans Evolve?

Care needs don’t stay the same, so care plans need to be flexible and evolve as illness and health conditions progress.

Our team regularly reviews your loved one’s care plans to ensure they are truly reflective of their needs and preferences, making sure we are providing the right level of care and support.

Discover how we tailor our care home care plans to evolve with your loved one’s changing needs. Call our team today to book a viewing at our care homes and see firsthand the personalised care we provide.

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