
Seabourne House Care Home Relative Testimonial – Lynn & Jenny


We recently spoke with Jenny and Lynn, about their mother’s experience at Seabourne House Care Home. They shared their thoughts on how the home has cared for their mother and the positive experiences they’ve had. Below is the Q&A from their interview.

Jenny: Hello, my name’s Jenny.

Lynn: And I’m Lynn, and I’m Jenny’s sister. Our mum came into the home just before Christmas.

What started your journey and how did it take you to Seabourne House?

Jenny: My mum’s lived independently for most of her life. My father died 40 odd years ago or more—so she’s been independent all her life. But unfortunately, the last few years her needs have become more, and she’s becoming more confused, and she wasn’t so safe at home anymore.

Although going into a home wasn’t an option she wanted, her safety was the main reason why we started to look for a home for her. She was having falls at home, and she wasn’t safe.

What about Seabourne House appealed to you?

Lynn: We both live locally in this area where my mum also lived, so we were looking for a home that was local to both of us so that we could visit. We looked at one or two homes for her and then came to Seabourne House and had a viewing around here, talked to the staff, and just got the ambiance of the place. We were really very impressed with how friendly everyone was. And they seemed to care, and they seemed to have a good amount of staff to look after her.

Is there anything that Seabourne House does that stands out to you?

Lynn: I think it’s the care. They are just so friendly. All of the carers are just so friendly, and there’s plenty of them. They’ve always got a smile for us and for my mum especially, and they have the patience to deal with everybody and treat everybody as though they’re their mum. That’s what stands out to us.

Jenny: Yes, it’s the staff and the levels of staff. Even down to the cleaners, they all walk in and speak to mum like an individual, even when they’re cleaning. “Oh, hello Margaret, how are you?” It’s just all that friendliness.

Lynn: Very, very friendly and very caring. They just seem to look after her needs.

Apart from the care, what are your favourite features of Seabourne House?

Jenny: They’re just welcoming. Recently, a friend came to visit mum from Portsmouth, and they provided lunch for her so they could sit and have lunch together. They just make everyone, even visitors, welcome.

Lynn: Yes, they’re always offering us lunch too.

Does your mother enjoy the activities put on at Seabourne House?

Jenny: She’s not a great mixer, but there are lots of activities here she could take part in if she wished. Recently, they took her to the Oceanarium on a trip, which she enjoyed.

Lynn: Yes, they do lots of activities here, but unfortunately, mum’s not somebody that wants to mix all the time. Maybe in time, she’ll get to know the staff better and feel a bit more relaxed. But she didn’t want to mix much at her own home either for the last 10–15 years.

Is there anything in particular that your mother enjoys about Seabourne House?

Jenny: My mother’s a big television fan, so she enjoys being able to have her television on, and they don’t mind if it’s too loud.

Lynn: Her room is a nice size, and it’s got en-suite facilities, so it’s similar to her room in her own home where she was before. We were allowed to bring personal things in to make the room more homely—pictures, bedspread, and things like that.

They’re very accommodating. They really want everyone to be happy if they can. They’ll try and get her to do things, even if she immediately says no. They’re encouraging.

Would you recommend Seabourne House?

Lynn: I would recommend it.

Jenny: I definitely recommend it too. They’re just so welcoming and kind and caring. It’s about the care more than anything, and that’s the most important factor for me.

Lynn: They treat the residents here as family.

Jenny: Yes, we’re an extension of the family.

If you’d like a tour of Seabourne House Care Home or any of our other care homes in Bournemouth & Poole, please call us on 01202 123456 or click “Book a Viewing” below. We’d be happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have.